Embedded System

Embedded System

What is an Embedded System?

An embedded system is a special-purpose computer system that is designed to perform dedicated tasks. This system is embedded as a part of a complete device, often including hardware and mechanical parts. 

Unlike personal computers, an embedded system is dedicated to perform one or a few predefined tasks. Usually, tasks are very specific, and to the point. Most of the time, the tasks include hardware and mechanical parts that are not found with Personal computers. Since the embedded system performs dedicated tasks, Embedded System Engineer can reduce the cost of the system, ship to the customer. Embedded systems run from single microcontroller chip to very complex with multiple units, peripherals, and networks that are mounted inside a large chassis. For example, MP3 player (Not so common nowadays), Automated Teller Machine (ATM), Calculator, cameras, traffic lights, factory controllers, or the systems that control power plants. Nowadays, We are showered with an embedded system everywhere.   

What Embedded System is not, you ask?

Now that you know, what embedded system is, let’s discuss what embedded system is not. Mobile phones and personal computers have some features of an embedded system but they are not truly embedded systems themselves. The main reason is that they are not designed to perform a dedicated task but rather they are designed to function in multiple tasks. Think about your mobile phone and what you do with them? Think about the tasks you do with your personal computer?  

Why should you care?

The real question is, why should you not care?  The embedded system is everywhere, from your car to your smart toaster(try searching “smart toaster” on Google.com). The embedded system is here to stay. So, it is the best of our interest to take some time to understand the embedded system. 

What’s next on the blog?

Sign up to get my blog post regularly. Next, I will write about the characteristics of the embedded system. Meanwhile, check out the book “The HCS12/9S12: An Introduction to Software and Hardware Interfacing”. 


Huang, Han-Way. The HCS12/9S12: an Introduction to Software and Hardware Interfacing. Delmar/Cengage Learning, 2010.

“What Is an Embedded System? – Definition from Techopedia.” Techopedia.com, Techopedia, www.techopedia.com/definition/3636/embedded-system.

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